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History of the Bible



The Bible is the most popular look in the world but how much do you really know about the history of the Bible? You can trace the history of this ancient text as it evolved through time and was translated into other languages to the present day form. 

Below are a list of my favorite completely free apps all about the evolution and the history of the Bible. 


Historical Jesus The best resource I have found with pinpoint maps to help you locate historical events from the Bible.

Stanford University Historical Bible Five University courses with downloadable material all completely free about the history of the Bible 

Yale University introduction to the New Testament History  An entire five credit course offered at Yale University now available completely free for download about the history of the New Testament. 

Covenant Theological Seminary 

Catholic Bible Boot Camp  

The Bible Geek  A collection of 300 podcasts from a leading authority on the Bible 

Old Testament History Audio taped lectures on the history of the old testament 

Dallas theological seminary Thousands of downloadable lectures on individual Bible passages as well as the books history. 

Reference Copy of the Bible


Note: If you don't have a FREE Apple iTunes account, here's a link to use: Setting up a Free Apple iTunes account




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